Since 1995, Kathy has been teaching and speaking on Feng Shui. In 1997, she began teaching a training program. As her level of knowledge increases, and especially in recent years, H.H. Grandmaster Lin Yun gave more precious information that has not be given before, and she has created advanced classes for practitioners who are not able to travel to the various classes.
Recently her passion to help people get the 'right' information as inspired her to create nuggets of information on any given aspect of Feng Shui. If a client needs a career adjustment, space clearing technique, wealth enhancement, methods to help in healing a specified condition, a front door cure, the real estate package, or simply wants all information possible on the stove, they can acquire it.
From a professional perspective, Kathy has a strong sense of ethics and integrity in her relationships. Her work style is described as results-oriented. She is known for her down-to-earth style in relaying information to clients and students without losing the integrity of the work. Kathy is recognized for her fast processing of space details that affords a quick, proficient analysis for clients.